Streeterville Productions

The Improv Guru

A dark comedy about an arrogant improv teacher, and his deranged students, as they desperately climb over each other to reach for the bottom rung on the ladder to fame.

Starring George McAuliffe, Blair Beeken, Brooke Breit, Wes Haney, Tim Lyons, Bardia Salimi, Becca Slack, Lauren Walker, Dan White, Chris Witaske, and dozens of Chicago improvisers. Inspired by the Twitter account @improvguru39

Directed by Max Barbakow
Produced by Scott Goldstein and Dave Yakir
Created and Written by George McAuliffe
Director of Photography Arlene Muller

The Improv Guru writer/star George McAuliffe has started a gofundme for cast and crew members in need, as well as laid off employees from various theaters across the country. We are releasing these projects for free and ask nothing in return, but if you are in a position to give, please feel free to do so. The Improv Guru suggests sharing $5.00 but give what conscience dictates and your economics allow